Saturday, June 11, 2011

greek woman

A day in the life of a greek woman.  I don't know about anybody else, but being a female in a Greek family makes it really hard to get your point across.  Not that they do it on purpose, it's just years of being accustomed to having conversations, especially political conversations, strictly among men.  I can imagine how it might be difficult to fathom a young woman with not only insight, but also a passion for what they call politics, and what I call the well being of the world.  See the truth is, we can sit here and talk politics all day.  But the question that is rarely considered, in my opinion, is "what the F is politics?" Most people dismiss it as the bullshit of sly politicians, which it very much is.  Fundamentally, however, politics is a debate over man made borders, and power and control.  We have created all the conflict we complain about in this world.  All the troubles that exist politically were created with the words "this is mine."  The day a man claimed a piece of land was the day the war of what is who's and how to run it began.  Of course religion plays a fundamental role, but that's a talk for another day.  

I had a point.  Today I experienced a day in the life of a man because I listened.  All to frequently, I feel, women accept the stereotype of needing to be apathetic and domesticated...  I'm domesticated.  I definitely pride myself in being a "nikokira" or a "housewife."  In Greek it has a different connotation, meaning more "good host" than "worthless spoiled housewife."  In any case, when we have company, my name is called nonstop to be serving and clearing, and even if it weren't I would do it on my own, but that's besides the point.

Men, especially Greek men, and especially in front of their peers, wouldn't be caught dead taking orders from their women, at least not in public.  Asking a Greek man to clear his own plate is like asking him to give up his dignity.  So you can imagine how hard it might be to have them take your opinion seriously in the realm of politics, when your opinion even in the kitchen is not revered.  

Well FUCK THAT.  I'm sorry but I have never been one to be complacent.   Having a male reproductive organ (trying to be polite here) makes you neither smarter nor more clever than anyone of the opposite sex.  I spent most of my life struggling against this uneven keel.  Granted, I'm still young, but I've discovered there's something to be said for subtlety.  Whether or not you or I want it to be, or whether or not we agree with it, at least in MY life, in MY experience, it's a man's world.  And you have to be subtle when making your way in.  Truthfully, I feel like if you come in to fast too strong, you are quickly dismissed.  If you take some time to figure it out, or more importantly, figure yourself out (so you know who you are and what you stand for, and so you're always ready) and you slowly transition, there is a much better chance of you being heard than you might have by simply shouting your opinion out loud.  How I feel and what I stand for are a conversation for a different day,  But just know, I was subtle today,  I had an opinion today, and I was heard today.  For today that's enough for me.